In this episode we welcomed Major John O'Neil into the studio to chat about military life and male fertility.
In some ways the armed services are a unique organisation, certainly with unique challenges, but none the less they still have the same struggles when it comes to infertility whilst also coping with regular moves and overseas deployments.
You might think this episode isn't for you because it's about the military but there's a lot to be learnt from what they're doing and how they're supporting each other.
There are some really touching and heart warming moments in this conversation.
One of our biggest take aways is that if a man can stand up in front of a whole troop of marines and explain that he's got fertility issues and get amazing levels of support hopefully it's a lesson to all men that speaking up can be the most beneficial thing you could ever do if you're struggling to start your family.
A great episode and we're proud to be supporting the defence fertility network.