cancer and male fertility

Cancer develops when the body's normal cellular processes malfunction , leading to the uncontrolled growth and division of cells. Under normal circumstances, cells grow, divide, and die in a regulated manner. However, in cancer, genetic mutations and epigenetic changes can disrupt these processes, causing cells to multiply uncontrollably and form tumours. These tumours can invade surrounding tissues and, in some cases, spread to distant parts of the body through a process known as metastasis.

The primary goal of cancer treatment is to eradicate these malignant cells while minimising damage to normal tissues. Depending on the type and stage of cancer, treatments may include surgery to remove tumours, chemotherapy to kill cancer cells throughout the body, and radiation therapy to target specific areas. Hormonal therapy and targeted therapies, which attack specific mechanisms within cancer cells, are also used. While these treatments are effective in controlling or eliminating cancer, they can have unintended side effects, including significant impacts on male fertility.

The impact of Cancer on male fertility

Direct effects of cancer: Certain cancers, particularly those affecting the reproductive organs like testicular, Sertoli-Leydig cell, and prostate cancer, can impair fertility even before treatment begins. Tumours in these areas can disrupt normal hormone production and sperm production, leading to reduced sperm counts and quality.

Impact of Cancer treatments

Chemotherapy and radiation: These treatments are vital for targeting cancer cells but can also damage the rapidly dividing cells responsible for sperm production. Chemotherapy agents, particularly alkylating drugs like cisplatin or cyclophosphamide, are known to cause significant harm to spermatogenesis. The severity of the damage depends on the type of drug, dosage, and duration of treatment. The cell damaging effect is achieved either by direct action of the drug or through its metabolites with increased oxidative stress. Radiation therapy, especially when directed at or near the pelvic area, can severely damage the testes, potentially leading to long-term or permanent infertility. The impact is dose-dependent, with higher doses resulting in more significant damage. Radiotherapy also induces the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) causing oxidative stress which can then not only eliminate the cancer cells but also cause damage to the reproductive system.

Surgery: Surgical interventions, particularly those involving the removal of reproductive organs (e.g., orchiectomy for testicular cancer or prostatectomy for prostate cancer), can directly impact fertility. These surgeries can eliminate sperm production entirely or affect the ability to ejaculate, making natural conception impossible.

Hormonal therapy: Hormonal treatments, such as androgen deprivation therapy used in prostate cancer, reduce testosterone levels, leading to decreased sperm production and libido. Prolonged use of these therapies can result in long-term fertility issues, even if the effects are partially reversible post-treatment.

Additional factors affecting fertility

Sexual function: Cancer treatments can also impact sexual function, thus indirectly affecting fertility. Nerve damage from surgeries like prostatectomy or radiation therapy can lead to erectile dysfunction or ejaculatory disorders, complicating natural conception. Addressing these issues often requires medical interventions such as medications or assisted reproductive technologies (ART).

Psychosocial effects: The psychological toll of cancer and its treatments can also impact fertility. Stress, anxiety, and depression can reduce sexual desire and activity, thereby indirectly affecting a couple’s ability to conceive. The emotional burden of potential infertility can further exacerbate these mental health issues, creating a challenging cycle that impacts overall well-being.

Long-term fertility concerns

The potential for fertility recovery post-treatment varies widely. Some men may experience a return to normal sperm production within a few years, while others may face permanent infertility. Factors such as age, baseline fertility, and the specifics of the treatment play crucial roles in determining the likelihood of recovery.

Genetic risks to offspring

Cancer treatments, particularly those involving DNA-damaging agents, raise concerns about the genetic integrity of sperm post-treatment. While research is ongoing, some studies suggest a potential risk of passing on genetic mutations and epigenetic modifications to offspring. This area requires further investigation, but it’s a critical consideration for men undergoing cancer treatment.

Preserving fertility before treatment

Fertility preservation should be a priority discussion before starting any cancer treatment. Sperm banking is the most established method, involving the collection and freezing of sperm for future use. This option provides a safeguard for men who may face infertility due to their treatment. Emerging techniques like testicular tissue freezing and the use of spermatogonial stem cells are under research and may offer additional options in the future.

Fertility after remission

For men who achieve remission, understanding the potential for fertility recovery is crucial. Regular follow-ups with a fertility specialist are recommended to monitor sperm production and quality, as these can change over time. Even if fertility returns, there may still be an increased risk of infertility recurrence or other complications later in life.

The role of oncofertility counselling

Oncofertility counselling is a specialised field focusing on providing cancer patients with information about their fertility risks and preservation options. Early consultation with an oncofertility specialist can make a significant difference, offering a personalised approach to fertility preservation and future family planning.

Treatment options for fatherhood

For men who experience infertility after cancer treatment, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) like in vitro fertilization (IVF) and/or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with or without surgical sperm retrieval from the testes or epididymides offer viable options for fatherhood. If viable sperm are not present, donor sperm can also be considered as an alternative.


Cancer treatment poses significant risks to male fertility, but understanding these risks allows for informed decision-making and proactive management. By discussing fertility preservation options with healthcare providers before treatment, men can safeguard their reproductive potential. For those who face infertility after the treatment, advances in reproductive technology and oncofertility counselling offer hope and solutions for achieving fatherhood.


  • "The Biology of Cancer" - Nature Reviews Cancer. Discusses the fundamental processes of cancer development, including genetic mutations and cell cycle disruption.
  • Weinberg, R.A. "The Biology of Cancer." Garland Science, 2007. A comprehensive textbook detailing the molecular and cellular basis of cancer.
  • "Cancer Treatment Principles" - National Cancer Institute. Outlines the goals of different cancer treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.
  • DeVita, V.T., et al. "Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology." Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011. An authoritative source on the strategies and objectives of cancer treatment.
  • "Impact of Cancer Treatment on Sperm Chromatin Integrity" - Frontiers in Endocrinology. Discusses the effects of chemotherapy and radiation on male fertility, focusing on chromatin integrity in sperm.
  • Meistrich, M.L. "Effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on spermatogenesis in humans." Fertility and Sterility, 1993. A comprehensive review of how cancer treatments impact sperm production and quality.
  • Smith, J.A., et al. "Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Prostate Cancer: Basic Mechanisms of Action and Side Effects." The Journal of Urology, 1996. Explores the impact of hormonal therapy on male fertility and testosterone levels.
  • Mulhall, J.P., et al. "Sexual Dysfunction After Radical Prostatectomy: A Multi-Institutional Study of Erectile Dysfunction, Orgasmic Dysfunction, and the Impact of Nerve-Sparing Surgery." The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2008. Provides insights into the sexual function impacts post-cancer surgery.
  • "Psychosocial aspects of cancer-related infertility." Psycho-Oncology, 2015. Examines the emotional and psychological impacts of infertility in male cancer patients.
  • Hales, B.F., et al. "DNA damage, genetic instability, and cancer: what are the implications for fertility?" Nature Reviews Cancer, 2010. Discusses the potential genetic risks associated with sperm post-cancer treatment.
  • "Oncofertility: Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients" - Nature Medicine. Provides an overview of current and emerging techniques for fertility preservation in cancer patients.
  • Wyns, C., et al. "Fertility preservation in the male with cancer." Paediatric Blood & Cancer, 2010. Details current strategies and new developments in fertility preservation.
  • "Oncofertility: A Guide to Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients" - American Cancer Society. Discusses the importance of oncofertility counselling and various post-treatment options for achieving fatherhood.
  • Agarwal, A., et al. "Male infertility and assisted reproductive technology." Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 2012. Focuses on the use of ART in overcoming fertility challenges post-cancer treatment.